
觅赞科技 2024-04-02 公司动态 500 0



Lenovo Group (HKSE: 0992; OTCBB: LNVGY) is a multinational technology company founded in 1984. It was initially established with an investment of 200,000 RMB from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 11 technology professionals. The company was originally called "Institute of Computing Technology New Technology Development Company" and was renamed "Beijing Lenovo Computer Group" in 1989. Headquartered in Beijing, China, Lenovo has its global administrative and operational center in the Research Triangle Park, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

Lenovo primarily develops, manufactures, and sells laptops, all-in-one PCs, desktop computers, servers, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, and other products related to mobile internet, digital, and computer peripherals. Since 1996, Lenovo has been the leading PC brand in the Mainland China market. In 2005, Lenovo acquired IBM's personal computer business, and since 2011, it has been the second-largest personal computer manufacturer globally. By 2013, Lenovo became the largest personal computer manufacturer in the world, the eighth-largest smartphone maker, and the fifth-largest smart phone manufacturer.


觅赞科技在 2024 年 4 月 1 日正式成为联想消费事业部的线上授权零售商,授权觅赞科技可以销售联想品牌旗下笔记本配件、平板配件、移动硬盘、固态硬盘、内存、优盘、存储卡、硬盘盒、鼠标、键盘、有线耳机、牙耳机、头戴耳机、音箱音响、户外音箱、话 筒、录音笔、外置刻录光驱、电源适配器、氮化镓、箱包、摄像头、显示器支架、屏幕挂灯、拓展坞、集线器、线缆等产品。

Mizean Technology officially became an online authorized retailer of Lenovo’s Consumer Business Division on April 1, 2024. This authorization allows Mizan Technology to sell Lenovo-branded products, including laptop accessories, tablet accessories, portable hard drives, solid-state drives, memory, USB drives, memory cards, hard drive enclosures, mice, keyboards, wired headphones, wireless headphones, over-ear headphones, speakers, outdoor speakers, microphones, voice recorders, external CD/DVD drives, power adapters, gallium nitride (GaN) chargers, bags, cameras, monitor stands, screen lights, docking stations, hubs, cables, and other related products.





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