
觅赞科技 2024-06-22 公司动态 500 0



魔声一直坚守“崇尚原声重现”的理念,致力于打造更完美的音乐声效产品,其产品和线材在市场上备受推崇,已成为音乐发烧友、高保真音响爱好者、录音师、音响专家、音乐家以及家庭影院热衷者们的必备产品。2008年,魔声联手传奇音乐家、顶级制作人Dr. Dre以及Interscope-Geffen-A&M唱片公司的主席Jimmy Iovine共同研发了一款时尚头戴式耳机——Beats™ by Dr. Dre™,实现了音乐人及监制们在专业录音室里的声音重现。


Monster 耳机 魔声官方授权分销商  魔声 魔声耳机 魔声品牌 第1张

Monster Inc., founded by Noel Lee in 1978 in the United States, is a global leader in high-quality audio and video cables and headphones. The company provides premium connectivity solutions for home entertainment, audio systems, home theaters, smartphones, computers, and gaming. It is also a top innovator in iPod, iPhone, and iPad accessories, as well as professional audio products.

Staying true to its philosophy of "bringing original sound to life," Monster is dedicated to creating perfect music listening experiences. Its products and cables are highly acclaimed in the market and have become must-haves for music enthusiasts, hi-fi audio lovers, sound engineers, audio experts, musicians, and home theater fans. In 2008, Monster partnered with legendary musician and top producer Dr. Dre, along with Jimmy Iovine, Chairman of Interscope-Geffen-A&M Records, to develop the stylish over-ear headphones Beats™ by Dr. Dre™, which deliver studio-quality sound as intended by artists and producers.

Driven by its mission to create innovative products with "pure Monster sound," the company continues to lead the way in advanced audio, video, and data connectivity solutions. With over 350 U.S. and international patents, Monster has introduced iconic products such as DNA, Inspiration, and Diamond Tears. To date, it has sold over 100 million products in more than 120 countries worldwide.


觅赞科技在 2024 年 6 月下旬正式成为魔声品牌的官方授权分销商,授权合作产品包括耳机、音箱等多个系列的全系产品,授权可销售渠道包括但不限于中国境内的微信视频号、微信小店、微信小程序、微信社群、微信公众号等微信全生态渠道。

In late June 2024, Mizean Technology officially became an authorized distributor of the Monster brand. The authorized product lineup includes a full range of items such as headphones and speakers. Authorized sales channels cover, but are not limited to, the full WeChat ecosystem, including WeChat Video Channels, WeChat Shops, WeChat Mini Programs, WeChat Groups, and Official WeChat Accounts within mainland China.





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